That’s New York City, not the Silk Road…

The picture in the header is not a city on the Silk Road, but rather part of a photo I took in Times Square, about 2 or 3 years ago, when I was sent to a conference on Enterprise Risk Management. I like the way you can make out “brain candy” at an angle over the traffic, pointed to by a “one way” sign (“one way” of several!!)…and above (but out of this photo slice) there’s a billboard for the Broadway version of Lion King, which is all about courage, imagination, and personal journey. New York City isn’t what this short-term travel blog is going to be about; but I like the idea of Times Square and the Big Apple as a sort of crockpot of American markets and Western culture. And so, since I don’t have any photos yet of the trip that’s to come, I thought it provided a good contrast to the photos that will be coming, from Sarajevo, Amman, Istanbul, Bishkek, and Xian, which represent cities along the Silk Road, that Eastern crockpot of cultural chemistry & market experiments.

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~ by mimi on June 4, 2008.

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