More Bosnian Food

A Bosnian “cheese omelette” — rich and good, like macaroni and cheese, but without the pasta, and better for you, too. Or so I told myself, as my cholesterol levels skyrocketed. It’s the pita bread scoopers that’re really, really good, though.

So, here’s a snapshot of the whole meal — all good.


Breads and pastries in Bosnia are very yummy too, and carefully constructed:





And, to continue, here’s a delicious beef stroganoff, with gnocchi:

And a stuffed eggplant, with those excellent tomatos and salad; and a polenta, with creamy cheese and egg and thinly sliced and mixed-in beef prosciutto:

Finally, I would be extremely remiss if I didn’t include that daily staple and perpetual Bosnian delight, ice cream.

~ by mimi on June 25, 2008.

5 Responses to “More Bosnian Food”

  1. i have eaten my lunch. and looking at these photos, i am hungry again. or maybe that had to do with my uber healthy lunch choices. i’m bumming the Ben & Jerry’s is no longer on the Warner lot. Although that stuffed eggplant and tomato…

  2. right now it’s after midnite in Amman, and I’m going to the Dead Sea tomorrow. And all I want is ice cream. Ridiculous, I know, but hey — the heart wants what it wants. So, I hear ya.

    I have pictures of food from the airport in Munich, too, but I’m saving those for a later, fully anticipated, weak posters’-block moment. Those look good, too.

    Food is all good.

  3. list a lot more food

  4. needs more foods

  5. Great list of Bosnian foods. there are alot more though!

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